Our programme has been designed so that the experiences of trainees on the two training routes: ITT Postgraduate Fee-funded and ITT Postgraduate Employment Based, run in parallel wherever possible.  The two training routes will both result in Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).  The programme is also designed so that the primary and secondary phase courses, parallel one another during the year, using a mix of cross phase and separate phase training sessions.

The five course modules are as follows:

  1. School Based Training 1 – Autumn Term (Teacher Mentor Assessed)
  2. School Based Training 2 – Spring Term (Teacher Mentor Assessed)
  3. School Based Training 3 – Summer Term (Teacher Mentor Assessed)
  4. Subject Knowledge and Curriculum – All Year (Subject Tutor Assessed)
  5. Professional Studies and Pedagogy – All Year (Course Leader Assessed)

Click here to view a list of our courses for a September 2024 start.